Tuesday, May 29, 2007

And didn't you spend a semester in Texas?

(Redhead guy with glasses who works at A1)
Guy: You're from California, right?
Yale Girl: Yup!
Guy: I'm going to California in a week.
Yale Girl: Oh really? Where in Cali?
Guy: Las Vegas.

--A1, , 2:30 a.m.

Monday, May 28, 2007

A throwback to final's week

Sorry I didn't post this earlier!

Sane roommate (aka done with finals): So man, how's the studying going?
Insane roommate (aka not quite done): Um...I've read all my notes, and I'm finally starting to think thematically.
Sane roommate: Huh?
Insane roommate: Like themes, you know, patterns...you have to think thematically for these history exams.
Sane roommate: Right.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Well...on your end...uh, put that thing away.

Drunk hookup to Yale hottie: Oh my god, they look even better OUT of the bra.


Friday, May 18, 2007

But all my love letters have been going to New York!

Mom: Do you remember the Munchkin coroner from the Wizard of Oz?
Yalie: YES......
Mom: Kevin (Yalie's brother)'s friend Jenny took a picture with him because her grandma lives next to him!
Yalie: WHAT?! I heard he was a demented midget crossdresser in an asylum in New York!
Mom: No, no, no, that's wrong. He's a transsexual midget who lives in Florida taking care of his quadripeligic nephew.
Yalie: Oh.

--LA (Obviously)

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Hey guys,
I hope your exams and the rest of your year went well and, to all you seniors, I'm gonna miss you. Well, seeing as how it's summer and all there isn't a heck of a lot to overhear "at" Yale. So let's make this site into Overheard BY Yale. Send me the weird, mysterious, and hilarious things you Yalies here wherever you are this summer. Make sure to let me know where you hear it so we can keep track of where all the freaks live!

Mucho gusto,

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

He's like a Polish Mr. Darcy

Girl: Yeah I really like him. He likes anime, and he has that EUROPEAN charm.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Furthermore...do you think the shrooms have kicked in?

Student: In ancient Egypt, the crown of lower-Egypt was actually made of cheese. and the crown of upper-Egpyt was made of macaroni and when Queen Nefertiti united the two kingdoms, she wore a crown of mac and cheese.

--SY courtyard

May I gain entry into your vagin?

(Drunk girl is having her party broken up, she is outside with a drink in hand and sporting a neck brace)

Drunk Girl (to cop): High Fiiive!
Cop: Grrreat Success!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Actual post on overhearinnewyork.com:

And That's How I Got into Yale

Guy, excitedly: ... And so he says to me, 'Hey, nice cock.'
Friend: Dude! No way! So, what did you say then?!
Guy: What else could I say? I said, 'Hey... Thanks.'

--5th & 2nd

And he gave me a lump of gefilte fish

Jewdent: So I had this dream, right, and Santa was on the street corner. He's like, "So, have you been good or bad this year?" And I was confused and said, "...uhh, Santa, I've been Jewish."

--Dining Hall

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wow...so you're like a REAL athlete. Cool.

Geeky freshmen Boy 1: I never got a varsity jacket.
Geeky freshmen Boy 2: Neither did I... but I lettered. I just didn't want the jacket.
Geeky freshmen Boy 3: Oh yeah? What'd you letter in?
Geeky freshmen Boy 2: Eh, you know... debate...

--Davenport Courtyard

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Yalies: Nerdy and Vulgar

History Major: You just want to resurrect Mao so you could slap him in the face and say "Look how well off Hong Kong and Thailand are now, you piece of shit!"


Frazzled finals studier: Physics just makes me horny.

- Calhoun 'Tacofest'

King Philip II always overcharges us, though.

Guy: Most people don't have a fleet of landscapers who come to their house all the time.
Girl: ...We call them the Spanish Armada.

Monday, May 7, 2007

They didn't realize that I'm his apprentice Jew

Asian Girl: Yeah so then I accidentally called Master G "Master Jew" in front of him and everyone just LOOKED at me.


And the matzoh.

Girl: Speaking of crack... I haven't seen the Shakespeare Lady in a long time.
Guy: (Unintelligible)
Girl: It's kind of funny, I was at this AEPi party... and there was clearly a homeless man, drinking.
Guy: (Something else)
Girl: Yeah, so i guess it's OK. I mean, it's AEPi. it's all about love.

--G Heav

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Don't count them before... you know.

Girl: I have so many eggs. I'm going to get pregnant the first time I have sex.

--Street Hall

They're my least favorite organ

Girl: What's that?
Guy: Oh, it's that diet that makes you poop out your kidneys.
Girl: I've been wanting to do that.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Yeah, so she's out of the club.

Girl on cell: Yeah, so Tracey's third test came back negative, so it was probably a false positive the first time.


Cooter Alert

Drunk Girl: Oh my god! Why don't you have a panoodle cover?
Drunker Girl: I don't know!!

--Old Campus

Friday, May 4, 2007

I wish you get hit by a plane.

Bitch: It's 9:11. Make a wish.

"Astute" Definition: 'of keen penetration'....hmmm, he might be on to something.

Guyfriend is on phone trying to get Drunk Grad Student to stop pursuing his friend.

Guyfriend: Well, that's very astute of you.
Drunk Grad Student: My DICK and I are both astute! And we want to see *Lauren!

--Howe St.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

You will never get this! You will never get this!

A girl walks out of the food area at Spring Fling with an entire jumbo bag of potato chips she has stolen.

High girl: (Borat voice) I have had Grrreeeeat Success!

--Spring Fling

Wait. Which one?...I don't...?

Girl: If you let your children ride on elephants you are killing them!

--Elm St.

Notorious B.I.G. lied to me!

Frazzled Girl: You don't have ovaries so you don't have ovary problems! I don't have money so WHY do I have MONEY PROBLEMS!?

--High St.

Betty Friedan meets Jenna Jameson

It's my body, don't put a penis in my butt.

--Swing Space

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Where do I get an appropriate thank-you note?

Student: When did I become a walking, talking joke? My parents just sent me a care package that includes STD medicine. Perfect.

--Post Office

If you include my cloaca.

(Discussing Sex Ed/that talk with your parents)

Girl: No, really, I used to think I had three holes. Hahaha....oh wait, I guess I do.

--Rumpus Office

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Either I'm drunk, or you are.

Girl: Chocolate leads to alcoholism.

--Old Campus, Spring Fling

Here. Take this axe.

Boyfriend: Let's go to Walgreens.
Girlfriend: But I don't have a weapon!

--SY 12:15am