Saturday, March 31, 2007


Guy 1: What the hell is this? This is a terrible idea. Who the hell would make a website called Overheard at
Guy 2: That was me.
Guy 1: Oh.

After a night of debauchery...

Guy #1: Did you know she was blackout all of the concert?
Guy #2: Really?
Guy #1: Yeah. She told me the next day. She doesn't remember any of it.
Guy #2: Don't say that, I don't want to think I'm a rapist...
Guy #1: Not a rapist. Just a molester.

-- Saybrook College

same thing

Guy #1: I wasn’t talking about having a threesome.
Guy #2: What were you talking about?
Guy #1: The Holocaust.

- Calhoun Dining Hall

crossposted on Overheard at College

o rly?

Two students are awkwardly walking back from section.

Girl: I’m sorry, what’s your name?
Guy: Joe.
Girl: Oh, I think we’re Facebook friends!
Guy: Really?
Girl: Yeah, I’m pretty sure we’re Facebook friends.

- Corner of College & Elm

crossposted on Overheard at College

Friday, March 30, 2007


Girl walks into the stall and starts to pee.
Guy: It's ok. I'm gay.
Girl: Ok cool, I'm Canadian!
--Men's Bathroom at Viva's

Guy: It's just that it's sort of, in some way...
Girl: Illegal?
Guy: Yeah.
--High St. Near LC

Girl #1: So, should I like, go for it??
Girl #2: Yeah, he's like...really cute.
Girl #1: Yeah....he reminds me so much of my uncle John. Actually they really look exactly alike and like act the same way. When I was talking to him I was like, Oh my God...Uncle John. It's like they have like the same stupidness or something.
Girl #2: ....Let's do vodka shots.
--BAR Ladies Room

Yale Student on cell: "Gato en mis pantalones"
--Connecticut Limo

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