Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Is my crippling insecurity showing?

Returning student: Hey, are you heading to New Haven?
CT Limo Driver: You go to Yale?
Student: Pardon?
Driver: YALE, kid. Ya go to Yale?
Student: I do, yes.
Driver: Yeah (spits on curb)... you LOOK like a Yale man.

--Hartford Airport

But from where you're standing I'm ALL ditz!

Bartender: YOU WENT TO YALE?!
Waitress: Yeah.
Bartender: Hmm, I didn't know that. I just always figured you were dumb.
Waitress: No, no no, I'm smart inside.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Don't worry, it's just to cover the meth lab smell.

Girl: It smells really intensely of perfume all of a sudden.
(Minutes later)
Girl: Are they baking a Theta girl up there? Seriously! What else smells like that?

--The Elmhurst

How edgy of you.

Guy #1: What are you listening to?
Guy #2: It's a walking playlist. I made it this morning for walking.

--Film Study Center

Neo-feminism hoooo!

Girl: I guess I really just needed the penis, and that's exactly what he was.

--Cross Campus